Thursday, March 22, 2018

Common Good Books Poetry Contest 2018 Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Common Good Poetry Contest, and thank you again to all who entered. 
Here is one of the four winning poems.
He sits hunched over on a camp stool
under the arching dome of gray plastic
that nearly disappears in a wilderness
of gray ice.  He is creating a quiet place,
a chance to collect himself or think
of nothing at all.  There is only the muffled
sound of a winter wind and the slight slap
of water at the hole.  He could easily buy
a fish at the market, but it would be only 
a fleeting moment, whereas fishing lasts
until he wishes to leave, and the fish
is really not the most important thing.

--Norman Holen
Here is one of the losing poems.

                                       Come and Gone 
by Richard Stryker 

It was my first winter in St. Paul; 
At just 15, I was walking tall. 
I worked at the St. Clair Theater 
Taking tickets from guys and girls. 

Every week I'd change the marquee 
Tannounce the title of the new movie. 
On an old ladder I would stand, 
Wool jacket, hat, and gloves on hands. 

Flash ahead 50 years; nothing's the same. 
The life hack apps are not what they claim. 
Never bought a Bitcoin 'til it rose higher, 
Nothing much saved for when I retire. 

So this winter I ask my dog, "Why?" 
My old Scotty looks up with a cry, 
And that answer is his last sad song. 
full life has quickly come and gone. 

So be kind, be humble, and wise in your way, 
And be glad that winter always ends one day. 
Soon it will be spring again, my dear, 
After I shed an occasional tear.